Daily work sheets for kids
Hello mums like me! I hope your kids are doing well. I hope their learning is going very well. They willlwill fast and recognizing different letters. Now its the time to start help them in writing. Do you want to make your kid start writing? Is he having difficulty in writing? Your kid won't want to write on a copy or book? His grip on the pencil is lost? Here comes the pre-writing worksheet for your child which will help you to overcome all these problems. Its a day by day worksheet. Make him draw these every day several times to overcome his writing problems. In this way he will learn: How to hold a pencil and join the dots. Taking the item towards its matching item will be fun for him. He will love joining the lines towards different objects. Oh! he is writing but he doesn't know this. He is just taking the item to their relevant items. Learning is fun! Pre-writing Pages Here are some pre-writing Pages which you can use before starting off writing. D...