Summer Preschool Activities for kids

 Summers are on its way and kids are having summer vacations. This is the golden time to spend some productive time with your toddler. 


Don't just give them mobile phones and leave them for whatever they do!

Try spending some valuable and productive time with your children and leave the rest. Its the time to make a strong bonding with kid and make this time so precious and incalculable. Go ahead to make such memory with your toddler this summer which will rejoice you and your kid always.

summer activities, kids activities

Fun Activities for Pre-Schooler:

  • Fruits and its Colors activity
  • Coloring activity
  • Writing activity
  • Body parts names activity
  • Playing with blocks

Summer Pre School Activities:

These simple Summer Pre School Activities will help your kid learn very fast with lots of fun!

Fruit & Color Activity:

Day 1:

  • Take a basket full of different fresh fruits as in summers there is a variety of fruits like Mango, Banana, Cherry, Apricot, Plum, Berries, Apples, Water Melon or any available fruit. Yummy!
  • Tell him the name of every fruit one by one. 
  • Take another basket and tell him the name of fruit and put that in another basket.
  • Repeat this for two or three times to ensure that he has memorize them.
  • Ask again and again for the names by exchanging baskets repeatedly.
  • After just having an activity for half an hour now its the time for real fun. Cut these fruits and eat them with your kids. This 30 min activity will not only rejoice you but also you and your kid will have a healthy food as fruits are best for health.
Fruit Basket, Basket of Fruits

Day 2:

  • On day two ask your kid names of fruits you enjoyed yesterday.
  • He may not remember all names so repeat again.
  • Today you will make him learn the colors of all fruits like Mango have Yellow color, Mango and Banana have same colors.  
  • Apple, Cherry and Strawberries are Red. Water Melon is unique and have three colors. Out side Green, inside Red and its seeds are Black. Grapes are green too!
  • Plum is a fruit and color too same as like orange.
  • After spending priceless 30 minutes with your kid now its the time to do a fruit party again.
  • This activity will not only help your kid learn but also have positive effect on his health by eating fruits. Providing them artificial snacks will effect their health badly and they could fell ill. This will not only stress you but your kid too! 
  • Have fun and enjoy fruit party!

Fruit Basket, Basket With fruits

Onward Activity:

  • Repeat this activity for many times and ensure that your kid has learnt names and colors completely.
  • After eating fruit salad many times you will notice a prominent change in your kid's health. 
  • Make small video and have some pictures too to share with me and people around you.
  • Make a reel for Facebook and share with other community this fun and healthy activity.

Fruit Salad, Fresh Fruit

Next Step:

  • When your kid has learnt the names and colors of all fruits completely now its the time to move on next step.
  • Take an Apple and ask your kid: "What is its name and color?" After having a right answer now tell him that it starts with a sound "Ahhhhh".
  • Repeat this sound many times and help him saying "Ahhhh".
  • Banana starts with "Bahhhhh".
  • Cherry starts with "Khahhhh".
  • Strawberry starts with "Ssssss",


With this simple fun activity your kid will be able to have these benefits:
  • A strong bonding with his mother. There is nothing more worthy in this world than having a strong relation.
  • A priceless and worthy memory which will rejoice you and your child whenever you look back and remember this time.
  • A sound mind always needs a sound body. By eating fruits you and your kid will have a good health.
  • He will be able to recognize different fruits, their colors and starting sound, which will be very beneficial for him in next higher grades.
  • He will have high confidence level.
  • In addition to names, colors and sound you can also tell him the shapes of fruits and concept of big and small could also be taught in addition to all.

Coloring Activity:

Once you have completed your fruit and its colors activity now your kids is capable of recognizing colors. Now its the time move to higher stage and start off coloring. 
  • Provide your kid some worksheets on which he could color.
  •  You can also draw some simple fruits or things like car, cap, duck, tree, flower and many other things around you to help your kid in coloring. 
  • Have some water colors and do thumb painting. Thumb painting is always a fun for kid. Make different things with thumb painting.
kids coloring, summer activities for kids

Writing Activity:

Coloring helps your child in pencil grip. He will be able enough to start writing but before writing complex letters first try simple writing worksheets. These worksheets will make writing a fun for him and he will love to do his homework. You can also use different writing hacks to make writing a fun. They are super easy and worth working.

Body Parts Activity:

All of easy and simple way to make your kid learn body parts names. I always tries to sing simple poems by showing mu body parts to my little daughter. 
She loves this way of learning. The ways by which kids use their hands or are phycicaly involved they learn those concepts very fast.
Sing differet songs and show them your body parts like nose, lips, head, hair, ears, eyes and all other. Don't forget to help them to touch their body parts in this way they will learn veey fast.


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